employment image

Substitutes Needed!

Step 1: Register with the ROE 53 - Pekin, IL

Step 2: Background check - can be done either through ROE 53, or contact Lisa DeVore, Bookkeeper  (ldevore@mgsredbirds.org)  @ Metamora Grade School and we will provide paperwork and check for background check to be completed at the Woodford County Courthouse - Eureka, IL.

Step 3: Contact Lisa DeVore, Bookkeeper at Metamora Grade School (ldevore@mgsredbirds.org) for personnel paperwork to complete and set up appt for turning in paperwork (if doing a background check through Metamora Grade School, all paperwork can be picked up at the same appointment time).
You will also need to provide a physical completed within the last 6 months or a statement of good health from a physician. Bring your driver's license and Social Security Card.

Step 4: Once all paperwork is returned and background check completed, you will be placed in the Frontline/AESOP substitute calling system to be notified about open subbing positions. A list of subs is also provided to teachers, as some like to contact subs in advance.

We are in need of both Teacher and Paraprofessional subs.

Teacher Subs $125 per day

Paraprofessional Subs $100 per day

Any questions, contact Lisa DeVore, Bookkeeper 



Certified Positions

MGS certified and administrative job openings are also posted on the Illinois Association of School Administrators' Job Bank.

Non-Certified Positions

  • Bus Drivers

    Wanted Bus Drivers & Substitute Drivers:

    • Must be at least 21 years of age

    • Able to pass a background check and CDL DOT Physical

    • Be willing to drive after school activities during the week and/or Saturdays 

    • Paid training (including Initial and Theory classes, practical driver training and behind the wheel instruction - paid for by district (if not current bus driver)

    • Yearly continuing education classes - paid for by district

    If interested, please contact Elizabeth Stephens, MGS Director of Transportation, at estephens@mgsredbirds.org

  • Bus Monitor

Assigned to ride bus with special needs student in wheel chair.

Hours are 6:45-8am and 2:45-4pm

Must be 18 years of age

If you are interested in just the morning shift or the afternoon shift we are flexible to meet the students needs

Pay is $15.00 an hour

Please contact Elizabeth Stephens, Transportation Director: estephens@mgsredbirds.org

  • Bus Drivers

    Wanted Bus Drivers & Substitute Drivers:

    • Must be at least 21 years of age

    • Able to pass a background check and CDL DOT Physical

    • Be willing to drive after school activities during the week and/or Saturdays 

    • Paid training (including Initial and Theory classes, practical driver training and behind the wheel instruction - paid for by district (if not current bus driver)

    • Yearly continuing education classes - paid for by district

    If interested, please contact Elizabeth Stephens, MGS Director of Transportation, at estephens@mgsredbirds.org

  • Bus Monitor

Assigned to ride bus with special needs student in wheel chair.

Hours are 6:45-8am and 2:45-4pm

Must be 18 years of age

If you are interested in just the morning shift or the afternoon shift we are flexible to meet the students needs

Pay is $15.00 an hour

Please contact Elizabeth Stephens, Transportation Director: estephens@mgsredbirds.org

  • Bus Drivers

    Wanted Bus Drivers & Substitute Drivers:

    • Must be at least 21 years of age

    • Able to pass a background check and CDL DOT Physical

    • Be willing to drive after school activities during the week and/or Saturdays 

    • Paid training (including Initial and Theory classes, practical driver training and behind the wheel instruction - paid for by district (if not current bus driver)

    • Yearly continuing education classes - paid for by district

    If interested, please contact Elizabeth Stephens, MGS Director of Transportation, at estephens@mgsredbirds.org

  • Bus Monitor

Assigned to ride bus with special needs student in wheel chair.

Hours are 6:45-8am and 2:45-4pm

Must be 18 years of age

If you are interested in just the morning shift or the afternoon shift we are flexible to meet the students needs

Pay is $15.00 an hour

Please contact Elizabeth Stephens, Transportation Director: estephens@mgsredbirds.org

  • Cafeteria/Recess Monitors

    Hours - Approximately 10:45am - 12:45pm daily

    Please contact Dr. Lee, Superintendent: blee@mgsredbirds.org